spread (7)

Founder Spread The Vote + Project ID & Project ID Action Fund. My book American Identity in Crisis will be out soon! Preorder at http://katcalvin.com/preorder.
Making comics to spread information about ADHD. Making a Graphic Novel for Penguin Random house. Prev. VisDev, Game Design (BA) German, RBYOK. I want to be rich so I can adopt the old dogs no one else wants
I build stuff on #Nostr and Spread #Positivity| Certified in Code, Security & Cloud | Interest: Science, Economics & History | Love Art & Memes.
dude from http://thelongestway.com | here to spread some love for my son Xi Jinping and other geniuses | tweeting in Chinese at @deguoziganwu | he/him
Australian living in Switzerland ClimateTech | FinTech | Techno Let's spread some good vibes [
Pushing for the universal adoption of account abstraction. Join the revolution by creating and sharing content. Spread the word. DM to join our Telegram!
IT Nerd - Spread love