reflect (9)
Physician Scientist | Researcher | Addictionologist | Informaticist | Internal Medicine | My views are my own and do not reflect my institutional affiliation, etc
Pop Culture Damaged Man Too Cynical for Placebo All views and statements are my own and do not reflect any organization or businesses.
Working on banking infra at prev:, Opinions are my own and do not reflect that of my (past) employer(s)
"Generally Clever Person"t[ Opinions/poop jokes my own or liberally borrowed and do not reflect my employers'
First profile dedicated to art on Bluesky Your space to discover new arts and artists, to reflect and appreciate. [
Economic theory at Caltech. Views expressed in this account do not reflect our views. Retweet = endorsement.
Infosec/PKI. Any opinions I express are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.
My views and opinions do not necessarily reflect my views and opinions. The experiment requires that we continue. Nie moj cyrk, nie moje malpy. (He/Him) *Proud to often be the dumbest person in a room.
(He/Him) Builds things and has opinions (that don't reflect those of my employer).