ppm (6)

Born at 336 ppm. Web developer. Coffee lover. Australian. Know Javascript, big fan of Next JS. Becoming obsessed with protocols and decentralization. Learning Golang/Go. Love not hate.
Market Insights at GitHub l recovering analyst (ex RedMonk, Gartner) | 331 ppm | he/him
born at 344 ppm. Twitter: @dalcrose Mastodon: https://seoul.earth/@dalcrose
, born @ 369.13 ppm CO2. Living in Stockholm . Cryptography enthusiast, software developer at the green music app, making ubiquity moves ;) @objectivecosta on the bird app.
You could call me a human early warning system. I curate and share data from the instruments we use to track our rapidly changing physical environments so you can plan ahead and be safe. Joined BlueSky April 27th 2023 b. 316 ppm
ENTP Born at 368 ppm 00's Posts in portuguese and english Law student