banker (5)
"Blatino" recovering banker & VC doing my best to make Portland a little better every day. Spreadsheets are my super power, sneakers are my kryptonite.
Clean Energy Investor, Venture Capitalist, SPAC partner, mountaineer, hiker, traveler, ex-M&A banker, husband, father, and I'm sure a whole bunch of other random stuff
Banker: I like to try to simply explain complex concept. Every now and then I succeed. For example: was the chicken or the egg born first? Never mind, have fun!
#HealthTech leader / builder turned i-banker. #Digitalhealth devotee. #Pophealth professional. #Healthcare hero (wannabe). Posts are my own.
Educator. Mathematician. Banker. Narrator. Content Creator. * Ja escreveu para Mixturando e SpinOFF e comandou o portal, que cobriu os bastidores da TV entre 2019 e 2020.