tuesday (5)
RainSec is an informal meetup of PDX based security professionals. Meeting in person every last Tuesday of the month at Lucky Lab SE, 6:30-9:30pm. Hosted by @sanitybit.com @redmuninn.com
A comedyish science podcast hosted by @alieward. Asking smart ologists not-smart questions about their professional obsessions. Every Tuesday. May be NSFW. https://linktr.ee/alieward
Berlin Hack and Tell is a monthly(ish) meetup where eight entities can show their hacks at c-base space station every(ish) last Tuesday/month. There are 8 dynamically allocated Slots(5min presentation + 5min conversation) https://berlinhackandtell.rocks
Streaming http://twitch.tv/SherlockOats 8PM EST Tuesday-Saturday | YouTube.com/@olurinatti editor | YouTube.com/@loloverruled editor & community manager |